martes, septiembre 07, 2010

How to write sticky content (even if you’re not Lady Gaga)

Aquí está el texto que escribí para el Newsletter de Quaxar de este mes. Se los paso:
Same old story. You’re writing a review for the company’s Newsletter or an article for a popular magazine. Maybe it’s just an email or a simple post for Tumblr. But there it is: The Almighty Message. You look at your text and you can’t help but wonder if it’s alluring enough to get everybody’s attention. And trust me, you WANT everybody’s attention… 
It’s been 6 years since the first time I wrote a post for my blog and I still can’t define with precision what readers want. There are, of course, some general guidelines to follow but you must take into consideration that intuition is a very important matter in this process. 
Creating killer content is something beautiful and inspiring, isn’t it? Well, let me warn you: it may become your worst nightmare if you are totally clueless. 
But don’t worry. We know sometimes it’s difficult to produce attractive messages and that’s the reason why we’ve got some useful tips. What follows is a list of things you should be doing to get the most out of your text and to seduce your readers ASAP:
Para leer el texto completo, den click por aquí
- Amaya 

1 comentario:

Esau dijo...

Yo hoy tambien escribi mi primer post, espero ser disciplinado en blogger XD, deja me leo el articulo.
un saludo